Alternate Contact:

Gordon Whitman, PICO (202) 481-6691

WASHINGTON, DC – National networks representing consumer and faith-based organizations praised House progressives and conservatives for a reported agreement to reduce premiums for lower and middle income families in health reform legislation moving through the House of Representatives. 

“As Members of Congress head back to their districts, people will be asking what health care reform is going to mean for their families,” said Rev. Shirley Fletcher of PICO National Network in Kansas City, Kansas, “This agreement will help people understand that reform is about making quality health coverage more affordable.”

“This shows that affordability for families is one area where there is common ground,” said Michael Miller, Director of Strategic Policy for Community Catalyst. “Health care reform will go through many twists and turns, and this is a key moment that shows that Members of Congress understand that political support for health reform hinges on a strong affordability standard that protects families from costs they cannot afford.”

During July more than 200 faith and consumer leaders from PICO and Community Catalyst came to Washington, DC to lobby 120 Members of Congress on the affordability issue.

Over the August Recess local and state organizations that are part of the PICO and Community Catalyst networks will be meeting with Members of Congress in more than 100 districts to demonstrate the broad public support in local communities for comprehensive health care reform without delay and to provide feedback on the legislation being crafted by Congress.